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Founded in 1972 by Luciano Martini, over the years the company has developed its mission to produce top quality primary ingredients, semi-finished and finished products for all the channels in the sector: Industrial, Artisanal, Retail and Ho.Re.Ca.
We are proud to be the first Italian company to obtain certification with a sustainability scheme in the bioliquids sector and renewable energy sources.
Unigrà has been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since March 2007. The association was founded in 2004 and finances projects aimed at promoting and defining criteria both for reconverting the tropical forest into palm plantations and for safeguarding and preserving the identity of the local populations.
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
El ajo negro es originario de Asia (Japón, Corea, China). Se obtiene por fermentación de ajo fresco. Después de la fermentación, que contiene menos de alicina, un compuesto responsable de la mala digestión de ajo en algunas personas. Contiene varios elementos: S-alil-mercaptocystéine, alil-cisteína, algunos compuestos orgánicos de azufre solubles en grasa, flavonoides y otros nutrientes esenciales, tales como selenio.
Información: Es el ajo (ajo blanco que se encuentra en el comercio) "normal" que ha sufrido diferentes fermentaciones (par de tiempo-temperatura que varía). Bi-fermentación de bulbos de ajo que tarda entre 2 a 3 meses.